Lisa Transcendence Brown Update - "Experiencing the Totality of Your Own Reality"

Published by Lisa Transcendence Brown on July 18th 2017

What does this mean?

This means that vibrationally, all that you hold inside... plays out all around you... it's YOUR reality that you see/experience, it's your creation, your fears, your connected/disconnected state and the exact experience that you CHOSE to experience here.

The programming inside creates the program/play out there. When you hide from yourself and hold back your light, separate off (maintain separation), instead of allowing yourself to experience the MAGIC OF NEW EARTH and the amazingness that is available to you....

But your heart must be open, your mind must be open, you must allow yourself the experience, instead of trying to control, insist, inner-fear and maintain old beliefs that no longer apply here.

Your body holds all.... so if you are ignoring listening and honoring, then you are shutting the portal/door to an experience the brilliance and amazingness that is available here.....

Your light.... must be integrated fully, within your physical form and radiated OUT from within you.... you must MERGE with your field by expanding your consciousness and HOLDING IT YOURSELF....

IMMENSE LOVE.... this beautiful, profound, exquisite love.... will emerge and bellow out. Your heart will burst wide open and pour and ooze love.... your Divine essence will touch all who come into your FIELD of SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS.... by you being aware of what you are transmitting out.... all of the time....

Peace... BEYOND.... the feeling of HOME.... PURE SOURCE LIGHT activating and filling your entire cellular body.... is deeply, sacredly powerful and profound... and so subtle at first.... an experience that words cannot describe... and every-time you hold this within you, you embody it more and more and more... until this becomes your NEW WAY OF BEING.... no matter what goes on "out there"....for THAT OUT THERE realigns and re-calibrates for you/in response to you.... as you do....

INTENTIONAL ALIGNMENT is quicker.... your realities will re-align easier as you realize that you hold all yourself. As you BECOME the EXAMPLE, the WAYSHOWER the ONE that holds higher dimensional realms/timelines within you... you will start to see what is truly available and realize the only way that materialization can occur is if YOU ARE this VIBRATION.... just seeing the possibilities is not enough... you have to BELIEVE, KNOW AND DO SOMETHING ..... from the beautiful space of honor, integrity, unity love....

Your Christed State is powerful, your God State is too...there is no ego here.... for these cannot exist within the same space, so you have to choose.... see your ego/human'ness/separation and choose to dissolve it yourself, choose to let it go, choose to move on and BECOME that which judgment cannot access....

Your limits.... these will play out for you.... your excuses... these will too..... Your mentalities... these determine your own realities here...... When your HIGHEST MIND CONSCIOUSNESS AND HEART UNIFY.... everything is available again.....

Your visions, your gifts, your exquisiteness lead the way and you open portals, walk through gateways, travel the passages and work through the initiatory phases and any resistance/separation energy you still hold within.....

Your presence... your openness.... your challenging your human self....your letting go of the old constructs that kept you bound and embracing/re-creating all new realities built on LOVE.... PURITY and a CARING/KINDNESS for yourself and all you come into contact with, regardless of their capABILITY YET....

Your "job" is to EXPOSE OTHERS TO NEW EARTH, so that they can experience too, so that they can know it's REAL..... if you can't do this, then how are you supposed to live here fully again?

Your "job" (responsibility) is to OPEN UP FULLY TO REMEMBER AGAIN.... to hold ALL OF YOUR LIGHT in all that you do/say/are.... to share your light so bright that it blinds everyone around you (and pushes their own stuff up too), to radiate SO MUCH LOVE that nothing of the OLD UNCONSCIOUSNESS can get through.... This is your POWER....

LOVE â™¦ UNITY â™¦ KINDNESS â™¦ CARE â™¦ Others have to FEEL you, so that they feel safe to FEEL too.

If you can't open up, you can't connect up fully to our Crystalline/Christed/Unity/NEW Earth Grid.... to EACH OTHER as ONE and PURE DIVINE LOVE here.... If you hold back, keep telling yourself the old stories and believing "less" still.... you are shorting yourself from the most magnificent, amazing, magical and EASY SIMPLE experience here. If you are not ready... this will play out in YOUR OWN UNIVERSE/REALITY/WORLD.... until all of that separation energy is gone and you choose to allow yourself to VIBRATE BACK INTO YOUR OWN NEW EARTH EXISTENCE HERE....

NEW EARTH is all around you.... it's in the crystalline air you breathe, it's in the plasma energy atmosphere and the high electromagnetic energy dancing all around you (and within you), filled with geometrics and high frequency magic ready to TAKE FORM for you to see too...... Your heart/mind/energy must be WIDE OPEN though...... It has to be important to you, you have to actually care, you have to choose......

Which Earth do you want to live on? Old version or NEW? Your consciousness activates the cells of your body to re-structure themselves and dial the codes of new realities to materialize all around you as you vibrate/transport/teleport from one reality to another.... It's a fast as you allow... or as slow as dense consciousness creates....

The veils continue to dissolve, the amnesia continues to lift, exiting any linear constraints expedites and new everything takes the place of a sleeping unconsciousness existence that no longer has to play out....... if you are truly ready to embrace the "unknown" (you do know inside, yet you are learning to trust again).

Surround yourself with love, with the highest vibrational everything, utilize the gifts available to you, yet realize that the "take take take" will end, as it's time for you to "give back", to pay it forward, to be the supporter, the contributor, the benevolent one that shares through your own deep inner-connection with all as one again.....

THIS IS YOUR CREATION.... and when your breath of love goes out to inspire, to ignite, to support, to awaken, to affect all.... you will REMEMBER FULLY.... what PURE UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS is.... and you will realize that nothing can hold form if you are not holding the CONSCIOUSNESS of this fully from within.....

Your entire physical reality is FORM..... it is particles, frequencies, matter.... all coming together to MATERIALIZE REALITIES for you to experience...... You affect matter, the vibration that it IS.... your physical matter reality is a match to your own consciousness/energy.... all that you hold/are/allow....

Your perceptions matter.... your actions matter.... (notice the word "matter")..... Your reality is what matters to you... you affect matter through your own full presence and choosing the vibration that you transmit out in ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING you are and do... â™¥

Different vibrational timelines mean different physical existences.... Your NEW REALITY is vibrational.... and your presence determines everything here. â™¥

I love you. Get ready. We've got more awesomeness to BE and DO together as LOVE and UNIFIED BEINGS ---- WALKING IN HEAVEN ON EARTH... not just talking about it... that's an old program ..... ∞

NEW EARTH ENERGIES..... kindness, compassion, respect, integrity, honor, love, unity, peace, consideration, sharing, abundance, supporting, harmony, beauty, magic, exquisiteness, BEing, creating, embodying, expanding, touching everything through PURITY - ON A SOUL LEVEL.... PURE SOURCE LIGHT, HOME FREQUENCIES..... holding this/being this... this is what returns y/our POWER and connects us all as the Crystalline/Unity Gridwork of Our Galactic NEW Earth here. â™¥

Each are to completely dismantle the old and reconstruct all from within... in accordance with HIGHEST LIGHT INTELLIGENCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS available to all who are truly ready here. ♫

The limits of your experience are your own now.... the vastness of infinite everything is too....

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

I would LOVE to credit the artwork artist, if anyone knows who it is to share with me, so that I can. Deep bow of respect and appreciation. Honoring each's contribution for why we all are here. ♥


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