Contact in the Desert - "Joan Wheaton's Notes from 'The Solar Flash' by David Wilcock" - May 21st 2017

Published by Joan Wheaton on May 21st 2017

Click here for more notes from David, 'Full Disclosure: The Downfall of the Cabal' & 'The Morning Talk'

The Solar Flash

The solar flash will be very bright, and will cause a transformation for our planet.

Jesus is part of a group of people who agreed to come here to teach us. The group would all be in basic agreement with each other.

There are two types of ET's; angelic and Christ-like, and the really negative ones from the Draco Reptilian groups.

Jesus represented the Hero archetype.

The solar flash is not a catastrophic event. It's a benchmark in the evolution of any planet.

We are living in a "laboratory" and the negative and positive beings are both playing a part in that.

Doing dream-recall is better than any other form of therapy.

David had many Solar Flash dreams where his body turned into light. In these dreams, he would roll up, like a ball of energy, and then 'take off' (leaving 3D and ascending; my note).

If you are positive, you ascend. If you are negative, you are consumed.

Frasco-Kereti is the name for the solar flash event in Zoroastrianism. In the Vedas it is called the Samvartaka Fire. The Vedic writings speak of rainbow colored 'clouds' that will appear, like a rainbow display; the same as someone attaining the rainbow body. (Only now the whole planet is ascending; my note).

"...after enlightenment, you carry water and chop wood..."

Padmasambhava would levitate in the sky with his 25 disciples.

During the Flash, unless you are very evil, you will be taken by a "relocation team" to a safe spot, if you're not yet ready to ascend along with the Earth...

...passage from the Vedas...
"...I AM the flame known as Samvartaka. I AM the sun wearing that appellation..."

The Egyptians and Greeks called the Solar Flash "the fire from heaven".

Apparently, the Flash happens every 25,000 years.

The Book of Enoch (removed from The Bible) says about this that "the wicked and godless shall be removed from the Earth", "the sun shall shine more brightly than accords with the order of light", and, "the planets orbits and tasks will change".

When 3D disappears, the higher dimensions remain. 4D is actually located several miles above 3D.

The Stoic Philosophers of Ekpyrosis spoke of the Flash. (Ekpyrosis means solar flash; the fiery blast that comes from the sun).

The "golden age" really means the "golden race". In ancient times it was known as a race, and it was only later that this was changed.

All the Greek philosophers say that we are transforming into a golden RACE. They see through time, so they know that the sun is going to do this.

In the Mithraism mystery schools there was a lion-god statue that the students breathed through the back of and fire came out of the openings, symbolizing the Flash.

The Sibylline Mysteries say, "the Golden One shall arrive again in the entire Earth.


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