Aug Tellez Update - "The Next Experience is Created in the Now (Extra-Dimensionality)"

Published by Aug Tellez on May 29th 2017

The titles carries the concept similar to the previous accordion metaphor used in a recent post. Each ‘now’ is the same now. Each new segment of time is actually occurring in the same but with a different overlay that is actually a matter of an angle of perspective rather than an actual motion through a space. In another way of description the change of time is akin to a revolution or rotating of an extra-dimensional object rather than a moving through a passageway or a strip of some material. This rotation is an altering of frequencies, a cycling of angular momentum as if a holographic disc is playing out a scene through the disruption of a laser beam rather than particles interacting in a causal order. All the pieces of the whole scene exist before and after the scene begins and ends and no real change is actually achieved. There is a starting point and an end point and dependent on the frame rate of the viewing apparatus and the resolution detail more or less experiences can be squeezed into a single moment. This produces a scale of experience through the organism which contains all the various levels of awareness and experience that a human perceives as the experience of time and space.

You create the reality you inhabit. So if you want to find the ‘level 12’ toroidal layer connected to the 13D bridge between harmonic universes you literally design a craft that creates that shape in scalar physics and then fine tune the craft to the appropriate universal harmonics, or energetic coordinates. Then you activate the field through the craft and pop into a space that is filled with other beings who have done the same and that is the inner/outer layer highway of the universe.

A craft is the same as your mind and body. The energy is the mind the body is the material vessel.

This body might not leave, but might merge with the frequencies of a larger body seamlessly as if they were always one in the same. The body is currently having the experience of separation in which the experience of individuality is generated by restricting the frequencies that the mind can attain through a filtration system of the body. Then when this is overcome, the unification is once again achieved and there is no limitation of travel. This is why some call the body the cave or the cage for the soul.

The soul is the specific arrangement of frequencies that are experienced commonly by that particular system leading to and from an original blueprint for experience that is an eternal aspect of the whole.

What you input is what you’ll receive. This is literal in the sense that what you input and thus emit are literally the dialing or tuning system for where your vessel, the body and mind, will travel to in hyperspace through experience and development. Spiritual development is to become more aware of the role one plays in fine tuning the frequency of their emissions and the interaction between one’s internal frequencies and the experiences that are maintained in the physical world. The way the conscious mind yields, restricts, allows, excludes, or permits and encompasses control over one’s reality is dependent on the intent and application of will-power of the individual. The formative years of a life have an effect of programming, restricting, or unlocking the internal power through the ability to engage with challenges and overcome trauma.

This is anchored to the human collective through the physical plane but beyond the physical plane these limits of personality are tethered only to the archetypal mind and then any secondary reference that the mind connects to. This can be the cosmic reference that all planes are referenced by, or a secondary reference if one is still not capable of traveling beyond the limitations that are set through the programming of the biological system of the physical plane. That is, if one’s dialing system is abused on Earth, this can have lasting restrictive effects in the next plane or one’s overall trajectory to a more fuller sense of control and self-awareness.


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