By Bernhard Guenther 29th March 2017

With regards to this Time of Transition/Bifurcation and its effect on the sovereign individual, there are various choices most people make, consciously or unconsciously, and to varying degrees (these choices can also overlap):

– You resist the planetary changes underway, and outwardly-project your own internal discomfort onto others and your situations (shadow projection), getting caught up in the trap of blaming, complaining, reactive/mechanical behavior, and victim consciousness – all of which are responses that the Matrix wants (and feeds off) while it drains your own life force and inner power.

– In order to resist the discomfort, you numb yourself with distractions and addictions (anything from drugs, sex, internet, games, and TV, to co-dependent relationships, shopping, work, food, parties, sports, gossip, etc.), creating an artificial “happiness” and more masks so as to avoid feeling the internal friction and unpleasant emotions. This distraction program can also include a spiritual “opiate”: getting hooked on false light/New Age teachings which result in spiritual bypassing and over-estimating your level of embodiment and awareness; or you look for a “quick fix”, a short cut and/or “magic pill” (including psychedelics and medicine plants) which are all very common in today’s fast-food spirituality industry, and that can have detrimental effects on your inner development – making you “dream that you are awake but [you in fact] are still asleep” [Gurdjieff].

– This numbing and/or fast-track approach often results in people getting caught up in head-centric living (male aspect of consciousness), trying to “go too fast”, cutting themselves off from their body and internal guidance systems (feminine aspect of consciousness), hence becoming more impressionable and suggestible to outside influences (thus losing the ability to discern between truth and lies), especially subliminal matrix mind control programming (as well as hyperdimensional interference).

– If Being (level of embodiment) is not aligned with the pursuit of Knowledge, there is no Understanding (applied/embodied knowledge, not just intellectual information). The process of awakening cannot be rushed, and you don’t get to “move on” until you learn your particular lessons (which are different for each of us); all of this is occurring from a soul perspective, which your mind/ego cannot perceive/understand – and, in fact, is afraid of …and actively resists.

The other choice to make in light of conscious soul evolution and alignment with your higher self’s purpose/’Divine Will’ is as follows:

– You enter the “fire” of transmutation consciously – without resisting the resulting discomfort – via a sincere engagement with self-work/embodiment practices, seeking truth while letting everything that is in the way of reconnecting you to who you truly are (under the many masks of social/cultural programming and personality/ego identification) burn away, so as to open your heart to its connection with the Divine, i.e., your unique purpose that’s found on an embodied soul level.

– This work is about transforming your “ego” into a healthy vessel (not destroying it, as some distorted religions teach) for spirit to work though you, so that you are not influenced by external suggestions or internal conditioning which may result in you exhibiting mechanical/reactive behaviors.

– Non-resistance doesn’t imply that you avoid standing up for yourself, or that you remove healthy boundaries and put up with abuse. It’s about letting go of any resistance to the internal friction of evolution while still “resisting” the thought injections of the “predator mind” – those mechanical/reactive behaviors and concurrent influences, temptations and programming/mind control implants which represent attempts by the Matrix to lock your thought-waves into its frequency. Being able to establish healthy boundaries – and cultivating discernment with regards to who we surround ourselves with – is a key element of emancipation, alongside the ability to avoid falling into the trap of “blind compassion”.

Excerpt from this article:




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