Destroying The Illusion Update - Do you actually think the Trump Administration is at war w/ Assange?? It's all show. This is the Art of War, people! - April 22nd 2017

Published by Jordan Sather on April 22nd 2017

Do you actually think the Trump Administration is at war w/ Assange?? It's all show. This is the Art of War, people!

Remember: Wikileaks basically got Trump elected. They leaked all that lovely dirt on Clinton, and especially Podesta, right before the election. Best buds still working together. I assure you.

So knowing that...let's look deeper at what's really going on here.

Trump and Assange are putting on a fake feud for the world (much like the fake feud Putin and Trump are jesting at the moment). This way:

A: This gives Assange reason to drop more dirt on the CIA ASAP, speeding up this disclosure process...

B: Getting the apathetic masses to get off their ass and care about the world a little more. People seeing Trump go after a poor, beloved truth teller will hopefully put an end their deadly passivity.

& C: People are distracted by more Trump-mania while the pieces are aligned behind the scenes to down the pedo-elites. (For example: see ex-Dyncorp VP recently arrested for pedophilia)

Boom. Quicker downfall of the deep state. More secrets leaked. CIA ruined. A little more time bought. People wake the heck up. Easy.

Do you see the game being played? All is well. All in precision. All will be revealed.

Source: Destroying The Illusion Facebook Page

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